
Explorado Master Class

By admin
10 Lessons
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About Explorado Master Class

Welcome to the first online class to teach smart investors about the lucrative investment opportunities that exist in the Junior mining industry. This industry is not only exciting, but also highly rewarding in financial terms -  if you keep a few things in mind, and know what to look for. THIS IS WHAT THIS MASTER CLASS WILL BE ABOUT.

If you play the game right, you will actually be able to smile mildly at the profit rates of an average investment fund. Welcome to the EXPLORADO MASTER CLASS - WELCOME TO JUNIOR MINING!

Our class strikes the right balance between knowing too much (which is a time factor) and knowing too little (which is a receipt for uninformed decisions). We will outline how junior miners work, how their projects are being developed, how and why they generate profits for shareholders. You will learn the essentials of global metal markets, understand how surface geological tests and subsurface drilling works - and how to interpret the results. You will be able to make sense of company and project presentations, and evaluate junior miners, specifically in comparison to its peers. And we will teach what different investment opportunities this industry offers, and how you can take the risk out. 

About admin

Dr. André Ufer is a mineral resources and mining sector specialist with 17 years of global experience in this field. A former World Bank staff, he has worked extensively on mining sector development in resource-rich developing countries. Other employers include the German Government, an EU body and years as an independent advisor. The exploration industry has been an integral part of his work, since it is this industry which is required to kick-start the mining sector. His professional experience with junior miners has led him to invest successfully in these firms himselve since 2015. He has since then analyzed the various factors that are the basis for successful investments in this exiting field. As seasoned speaker and presentor, he used his knowledge to create this unique course to allow ambitious investors to make unparalleled gains by investing in junior mining.

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