Do we need to decide between mining and the environment? Or can we not have both?
Environmentalism may have good intentions, but that is not the same as good outcomes. In the West, industrial activities, mining included, is increasingly coming under fire for being 'environmentally adverse'. But in reality, the fact that billions of people have been lifted out of poverty over the last 50 years is the result of a capitalist economy and industry, and a mining industry that supports it. Further shooting at the basis of human progress will only know victims - including the environment.
'Green acting' can become monstrous - when it is about to severyl damage human progress, development, and even the environment in turn.
The questionable goals of environmentalists
Now to something completely different: Mining and the environment. Why such an article you might ask. Isn’t Explorado Invest about, well…about investing in Junior Mining? Yes, that is correct. But also we as investors have a human side, at least parts of the day.
So, I assume we care about the environment too. I certainly do. I come from a very pristine area which is privileged by natural abundance: Mountains, lakes, pastures.
I love my mountains - in winter as in summer. So yes, I try to protect what I see. But it is important to think holistically, friends.
So, a want to preserve what’s near and dear to our heart is human. But I also see a lot of bigotry, specifically when its about ‘industry vs environment’. In the West specifically, many seem to have lost sight of what has brought about our wealth. And what wealth actually means. Not the Rolex watch, a private jet etc - these are worn and parked at the peak, and you will find those who own them in virtually any country. When we speak about the wealth one can find in industrialized countries, I mean the broad distribution of wealth and progress that one finds here: A functioning health system, where helicopters arrive in minutes to transport critically wounded to a hospital where you find actual doctors treating them. The costs are born by society. Samke with the education system. You find various technical means that in fact allow us to become increasingly independent from the moods of mother nature, specifically in agriculture.
And while nature is kind at times, it is even better for human kind to have gained this independency, believe me. But an increasing number of Western citizens seems to want to go 'back to nature', without having much clue about what that means (hint: it could mean an average life expectancy of 49 instead of 79, a substantial increase in distributive fights, raising levels of violence, dependence etc). And the preferred enemy of ‘nature’ is ‘industry’. And one can see this development since many years unfolding in environmental policies: It is getting harder and harder to actually ‘build things’, and to 'develop stuff'whether it is a road, a power plant or inventing a new chemical component– let alone a mine (oh, no, how could you…?). NGOs and similar activists groups celebrate each industrial project not having been licensed as a victory. That a decline in industrial activity will mean, over a number of years, a decline in living standards and the advent of poverty, decay, violence, decreasing life expectancy, and also a looted environment etc. does not occur to them.
Sorry, can't really care for the environment right now, too busy to get food on the table. The relationship between countries' income and environmental preservation is positive and straight.
It’s easy to scoff at industrial activities and its impacts if you are the citizen of a country that is providing its people all the advantages of industrialization - just like the fox can argue for better protection of the chicken coop - after he has eaten them all.
Mining and human progress
Mining is a favorable sector to hate for environmentalists and other activists. Getting mining projects licensed in the West is a true marathon, and here the West is not alone. In Latin America, building a mine is see by many as an ‘imperialist offence’.
It is certainly true that mining is controversial. In fact, this is why I have decided to join this industry as a student. The difference between gold in the ground in an African country and the poverty above the ground is stark – but there is more to this story than pointing to one industry as doing the devil’s job.
We all need to extract minerals and metals from the soil. Africans included:
Every time you switch on a device or a light bulb, make a phone call, go somewhere with a car, or even cook a meal (fertilizer is phosphorous based, which is – mined), you're benefiting from the fruits of mining. As the saying goes – ‘if it doesn’t grow, you have to mine it’. This still pretty well explains the two main foundations of human societies. The treasures drawn from the earth are transformative, fuelling the technologies that lifted societies from poverty and will continue to lead us into the future.
Dive into the fascinating story of how a handful of metals have transformed the world and created our modern societies:
A simple tool - but it carries the world of mining in it (c) AlJazeera
What I want to argue in this article is that we need to acknowledge this necessity to mine (and to undertake all other industrial acts). Acknowledge these activities as a backbone to social development. On the other hand, I also don’t want to deny the environmental footprints left in mining's wake. What is needed is reconciliation between the two – not demonization. While trails of mineral extraction are layered across Earth, we do have all means available to balance the need for these precious materials with responsible and practices. It's about understanding the give-and-take of this dominant global trade.
Could we do without, or even with less mining?
No. In fact, we will do and see more mining. Simple reality: Mining is the backbone of our societal being and of our advancement. It transforms the rich veins of metals that helped develop everything from smartphones to lifesaving medical equipment. The metals and minerals uncovered by this industry are integral to everyday life and beyond, driving technological breakthroughs and elevating the living standards of billions.
As such, I don't want to be apologetic in this article and say: 'Hey, mining isn't so bad after all - through CSR practices, mining companies invest in schools and health clinics worldwide'. Far from it. I argue: Without mining, most of our lives would be nasty, brutish and short. And to the address of any movement that thinks it's doing the environment or communities a favor by blocking projects I'd say: No, you are probably sitting in an air-conditioned or heated office room, using a laptop, and many other sorts of daily comfort - all the result of mining at one stage - to prevent other people from acquiring a similar safe and comfortable life.
Learn more about the mining industry, how it works, its players, and its role for the world economy. Also....can you gain from it as an investor?
The future of mining and a clean environment
In our current age of technology, where electricity is as essential as the air we breathe, consider the importance of lithium and rare earth elements. From electric vehicles, to wind-based electricity generation and renewable energy storage - all depend heavily on a new set of mineral and metals, the so-called critical metals. In other words, our drive for a cleaner environment will have to be again a driver of mining.
Without mining and extracting these, the technological advancements we enjoy today would be a distant dream.
The journey ahead is to continue refining and improving mining practices for a future where progress and sustainability go hand in hand.
Trying to get 'clean tech' on the road with less mining, eh? Good luck with that one...(c) courtesey Virtual Capitalist
Rewriting the Narrative: Sustainable Practices in Mining Industry
Mining, in essence, is not an enemy of progress, but a catalyst.
New technological innovations, predicted by insightful reports like the one from McKinsey Metals & Mining back in 2015, are now becoming a reality. Such advancements promote increased productivity, improved performance, and more efficient operations while reducing unnecessary expenditure and resource waste.
When we view mining and society in harmony, we realize that the two can coexist beneficially. It’s a balance of give-and-take, a symbiotic relationship where progress doesn’t have to come at the expense of our planet. Thus, let's acknowledge mining's unmistakable role in societal development and also continue fostering a culture of sustainability with this global industry.